• I’m not really into labels as they often limit us, but I understand that for business purposes sometimes we have to label ourselves this or that so others have a clearer idea of what it is that we do.

    The label that I use to describe what I do is a Holistic Transformational Coach.

    So, what does that mean exactly you ask?

    As a Fitness Coach, my role was to build a personal relationship with you, work to reach goals surrounding all aspects of mental, physical, and social health, and provide support to reach those goals.

    As a Life Coach, I was focused on empowering you to set goals and establish accountability for personal and professional success.

    As a Mindset Coach, I was dedicated to rewiring an individual's mindset, teaching them to be the very best version of themselves and to unlock their full potential by using the principles of psychology and neuroscience.

    As a Spiritual Coach, I helped you to change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviours, habits, and goals, I looked into your deep-rooted beliefs, unprocessed emotions, trauma wounds, fears, and your connection to the divine, to help you find yourself again. I showed you how to work with the laws of the universe to get what you want out of life instead of just accepting whatever comes your way.

    A Holistic Transformational Coaching is a combination of all these previous coaching styles.

  • 1. Before you arrive at the session Aneta does energy (kinesiology) read on you to find out what is the priority for us and what is the best modality that she can use to help you. We are all different. Working with Energy Psychology and Kinesiology Psychology (muscle testing), she discovers energetic blockages and your current consciousness level.

    2. We set the intention for the session, a very powerful part of the session. Aneta will define with you “What do you want as an outcome of the session?”

    3. Next, you can expect questions and conversations about blocks, the root of limiting beliefs, stories, inner child and shadow, your behavioural patterns, health, wellness, etc. The goal of sessions is to gain self-awareness and help you untangle blocks, find the root, provide action steps, provide unique ways to make them work for you, and to provide guidance on how to best move through the work specific to your scenario.

    4. Session might finish with hypnosis, guided visualization, or energy work depending on the client’s needs.

    5. The last step is “GROWTH WORK”. The client gets assigned activities that will help to embody change and integrate/alchemise mind, body, soul and energy.

    This is totally different for every person, personal transformation, occurs at different times and speeds for everyone, but even with just 1 session, you are guaranteed to feel more empowered, have more clarity, newfound hope and motivation, and have a practical action step for how to move forward.

    From our experience package of 6 sessions is most effective in creating lasting new behaviour.

    You have to remember that we are reprogramming your neuropathways, calming down your nervous system, removing trapped energies from your physical body, and at the same time activating your higher expression of self.

    Be kind and patient with yourself and your transformation.

    This is a lifetime journey of self-discovery.

  • A holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for Kundalini to rise and supports those living life with an active Kundalini. Through body de-armouring, non-dual psychology, shadow work, tantra and energetic bodywork we create our own individual practice of kundalini activation.

    Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine.

    De-armouring in Kundalini Bodywork is taught as the process of transforming pain into pleasure in order to transform the vibration of the body.

    During the session, you can experience a range of feelings from an ecstatic rush of pure bliss to sadness, happiness and stillness. Combination of sound, breath, touch, energy and movement to release any blockages, fears or limiting beliefs. Energy is directed through your being, into a cellular memory, which allows healing to occur at the core level. Your past programming and traumas are released and you are re-birthed. The results are a transformative journey into your own essence.

    Kundalini Bodywork & De-armouring can assist you in:

    • A blissful feeling of lightness in mind, body and soul.

    • Transmiuting physical /emotional imbalances.

    • Releasing limiting beliefs, blockages and fears.

    • Releasing addictions or addictive patterns.

    • Increase in IQ level.

    • Much better sense of sound, colour, and sight

    • A feeling of purification

    • Activates more compassion and empathy,

    • A holistic & integrative therapy that prepares the body for Kundalini to rise and supports those living life with an active Kundalini. Through body de-armouring, non-dual psychology, shadow work, tantra and energetic bodywork we create our own individual practice of kundalini activation.

    Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine.

    De-armouring in Kundalini Bodywork is taught as the process of transforming pain into pleasure in order to transform the vibration of the body.

    During the session, you can experience a range of feelings from an ecstatic rush of pure bliss to sadness, happiness and stillness. Combination of sound, breath, touch, energy and movement to release any blockages, fears or limiting beliefs. Energy is directed through your being, into a cellular memory, which allows healing to occur at the core level. Your past programming and traumas are released and you are re-birthed. The results are a transformative journey into your own essence.

    Kundalini Bodywork & De-armouring can assist you in:

    • A feeling of lightness in mind, body and soul.

    • Transcending physical /emotional imbalances.

    • Releasing limiting beliefs, blockages and fears.

    • Releasing addictions or addictive patterns.

    • Increase in IQ level.

    • Much better sense of sound, colour, and sight

    • A feeling of purification

    • Activates more compassion and empathy,

    • Slowed down ageing and increased creativity

    • Releasing physical, sexual or emotional traumas out of your body,

    • Releasing trapped energies of nervousness, worry, overthinking and anxiety,

    • Aligning, clearing and balancing your energy centres (chakras),

    • Helps you gain awareness and sensitivity to the energy of others and your surroundings.

    • A feeling of deep relaxation and healing throughout your mind, body and soul.

    • Being able to see the bigger picture, clarity, focus and increased creativity.

    • Greater connection and appreciation of life and all beings.

    • Beautiful alignment of your mind, body, heart and higher self.

    • A feeling of being calm, connected, peaceful, alive and free.

    • Increased creativity, and connection to your own body.

    • Releasing physical, sexual or emotional traumas out of your body,

    • Releasing trapped energies of nervousness, worry, overthinking and anxiety,

    • Aligning, clearing and balancing your energy centres (chakras),

    • Helps you gain awareness and sensitivity to the energy of others and your surroundings.

    • A feeling of deep relaxation and healing throughout your mind, body and soul.

    • Being able to see the bigger picture, clarity and focus.

    • Greater connection and appreciation of life and all beings.

    • Beautiful alignment of your mind, body, heart and higher self.

    • A feeling of being calm, connected, peaceful, alive and free.

    • Helps you to tap into your own pleasure.

  • PLEASE DO READ AND FOLLOW THE ADVICE, I want you to get the most out of the session, so it’s important that you prepare. Use the bold text as a second read-through to remind yourself.

    1. Energy moves best through an empty stomach so try not to eat before the session. Fresh, vegan food a day or two before is best. A coffee in the morning is fine if this is something that you usually do. Also please avoid peak orgasms and ejaculation for a 3 to 7 days before if possible. If you exercise or practice yoga, doing hip openers before coming is great too.

    2. Please wear loose comfy clothes and avoid dark colours or clothing with images as these make energy hard to see, avoid metal zippers or snaps down your front and no jewellery. Layers are best as you might heat up and cool down if we are using physical exercises. You can use a sleep mask to cover your eyes and help you drop deeper within. You will need to keep your eyes closed for the whole transmission.

    3. Think about what you’d like to get out of the session. Having a positive intention can be a really powerful tool, if you don’t have one already, don’t worry. We can talk about it at the start.

    4. Please ensure that you have a quiet and suitable space for the session with lots of natural or artificial light (a dark room is not good to see energy over a webcam), that you will not be disturbed, and that the room is warm, turn the heating on a few hours before, OUR BODIES HAVE TO BE WARM FOR ENERGY TO FLOW. Something softer than a yoga matt (yoga matt + blanket), but preferably not as soft as a bed mattress to lay on. Please set up your computer/camera/mic/phone in a way that I can see your whole body when laid down (head to toe), but not being so far away I can not see you, and that we can hear each other. Please also have two cushions, a second blanket, a box of tissues, a waste bag and light a candle. If you have natural incense (no chemicals) or use something like sage then please also burn this to cleanse your room, it’s important that your space feels clean, clear and spacious, if it’s a small room try putting ornaments, and any clutter into a box.

    5. Feel free to use this playlist after the session if you need relaxing music to help you integrate

    Session times can be changed with 72 hours' notice with no charge by emailing

    Missed sessions are not refundable but 50% discounts apply on rebooking.

  • Listen to your body carefully. It is highly recommended that you remain very gentle with yourself while returning to your daily life after your session. Consciously connect deeply with your body and consider how you might integrate this new feeling. Connect with nature. Avoid heavy food and all alcoholic drinks. Be mindful of the quality of human interaction. Raise your awareness and listen to your inner voice. Give yourself extra space and time for grounding (barefoot walks, cold showers, swimming in running waters).

  • • Kundalini Energy Activation activates your vital energy, a transmission to awaken your energetic, emotional and spiritual field. It is also an activation of openness of your consciousness. It is an inner dance where your body, mind and soul are one.

    • Kundalini Energy Activation awakens your energy and connects you to your essence.

    • Calming effects on your overall state of mind and body.

    • It is the ability to awaken your potential and a wonderful portal of healing.

    • It brings serenity, inner freedom, clarity and presence.

    • Shifting into a more conscious living, higher self-awareness and self-realisation.

    • Understanding and releasing limiting beliefs

    • It helps you leave behind your blocks, fears, and everything that ultimately prevents you from evolving.

    • Awakened intuition & inspired insights into your personal growth & wellbeing.

    • Experiencing more peace and harmony within yourself

    The activation process is very safe. Remember this is your own life force energy. You are healing yourself. Your own energy is now intensified and can be re-activated by you. You are remembering a natural gift from within.

  • We can work on anything that stands in your way of being the most authentic, powerful and awaken version of yourself.

  • Aneta uses a variety of techniques, modalities, tools, and activities such as: Intuitive Coaching, Cognitive Behaviour, NLP, Hypnotherapy, visualization, meditation, movement, breath, fitness, nutritional support, gut health, nervous system regulation, Past Life Regression, 12 Chakras activation, EFT, Havening, Hooponopono, Energy Emotional Code release, Family systems, attachment styles,

    Energy Psychology, Reiki, Prana, Theta healing, Kinesiology, intuitive reading, Inner child work, shadow work, feminine and masculine polarity, reparenting, activation of your higher codes, oracle cards… and many more.

    The different modalities help Aneta’s clients to rewire their emotional, mental, physical, and energy bodies.

    Aneta has learned that no two individuals are the same, so when working with clients, every case is completely tailored and personalised according to individual needs.

    You are unique that’s why Aneta likes to use modalities that are best for you

    That’s why the modality that will be used for you will be more personalized and unique.

  • For centuries, doctors have pondered the connection between mental and physical health. In recent years, science has begun to recognize the powerful connections through which emotional, spiritual, and behavioural factors can directly affect health outcomes. There have been numerous studies done on brainwave states, neuroscience and the field of energetic information.

    As research in the field of mind-body medicine is finding, emotions and thought patterns can contribute to imbalances within the body.

    Related to mind-body therapies are therapies that use the body to affect the mind, such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, and some types of dance (these are sometimes called body-mind therapies). Ultimately mind-body and body-mind therapies are interrelated: the body affects the mind, which in turn impacts the body (and the mind). That’s why it is important that we look at life holistically.

  • Energy Healing is a broad term for any therapy that stimulates the energy flow in or around the human body to restore balance on all levels, thereby enabling the physical body to heal itself. Basically, clearing blocks and interferences from the biofield. It’s all about helping people to release the feelings and life experiences that are holding them back.

    The beauty of adding energy healing into the mix, in the way I do, allows me to explore the invisible aspects often overlooked by other types of therapies. It allows me to explore the multi-dimensional nature of the human journey, and the energetic influences surrounding each and every person.

    Energetic healing takes a holistic approach that looks beyond the physical body to manipulate the subtle energy systems where the cause of the imbalance can be located.

    There are in fact hundreds of defined modalities. Some of the more well know therapies that could fall under the heading of “energy healing” include Reiki, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Pranic, Theta Healing, EFT, Acupuncture, Kundalini and Chi Gong.

    What happens in the session is not the only part of this healing; you will continue to operate at this frequency for the coming days, so be mindful of your nutrition and environment.

  • Energy centre clearing and balancing (known as Chakras) can be your missing element for the perfect health that you have desired. Energy clearing is essential if you ever want to enjoy a flawless energy flow and optimum health conditions.

    Energy centres are the life-giving wheels located throughout our body where our life-force energy is stored, also known as “Chi”, “Ki”, “Qi” or “Prana”. These energetic centres are responsible for the flow of energy throughout your entire organism and the eastern philosophy emphasizes that it is the “blocked energy wheels” that can stop the free-flowing energy in our bodies and therefore cause illnesses, diseases and pain.

    The energy centres run from the top of the head down to the base of your spine. However, in energy work, we start from the bottom of your spine. The energy runs up through the spine like a tunnel. During this balancing session, the practitioner assesses the flow of energy and removes blockages out the flow from all the energy centres.

    During this session, we are going to clear, balance and activate your energy centres for a healthy flow of your life force energy in your body, so you can gain your sovereignty, cut cords, reclaim your authentic self, and activate new codes.

  • Session online is structured the same way as sessions face to face. We create a safe space according to our availability?

  • Sessions can vary in price and time depending on the type of session and on clients' needs.

    We currently offer a range of sessions from online to one on one and workshops.

    You can find more information on the services page.

    For your convenience, we offer a payment plan for our coaching program and some packages.

    We do not offer payment plans for single sessions.

  • Any appointment that needs to be cancelled or rearranged must be made by phone or text message and received no less than 72hrs prior to the appointment.

    Notification received in advance of 48hrs will be subject to a refund should the client wish to cancel, or rearranged at a mutually convenient time.

    Should notification be received less than 48hrs before the appointment, the full session fee will be due.

    That gives other clients the opportunity to take that time slot.

  • We have a strict code of ethics when it comes to client confidentiality. What is discussed during your coaching sessions stays absolutely between you and Aneta.

    • A feeling of being calm, connected, peaceful, alive and free.

    • Deeply connected to the oneness of life.

    • A feeling of lightness in mind, body and soul.

    • Gained awareness, and sensitivity to the energy of others and your surroundings.

    • Feelings of deep relaxation and healing throughout your mind, body and soul.

    • Being able to see the bigger picture, clarity, focus and increased creativity.

    • Greater connection and appreciation of life and all beings.

    • Beautiful alignment of your mind, body, heart and higher self.

    • Feeling of energetic rebirth.